Hi! I’m Ross of Red Coat Miniatures. I was born and grew up in the UK, traveled the world a bit, and ended up residing in the USA. My parents are American and English, so I guess you can call me Americanish.

I have built and painted models for the majority of my life, starting with model aircraft, then in 2021 discovering the world of miniature painting and tabletop games. Painting is my main jam, but I enjoy playing Warhammer 40k and Blood Bowl by Games Workshop. When it comes to models, I will paint anything that I think will look rad and that I can bring interest to, regardless of faction, game or medium.

I also like the odd cheeky beer

In the near future, I will be branching out into teaching some painting classes to share some of the knowledge I have picked up along this journey. I have been invited to “Level Up” which is a convention I will be holding classes and sharing some knowledge.